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hey fellow teens and friends I went to a student and youth programme some weeks ago and I decided to share what I learnt with you guys. the theme of the programme is THe DEW OF YOUR YOUTH psalm 110:3 our teen year is a precious part of our life so we need to live it wisely and we should not waste it for meaningless things it's the time for us to invite God our father and creator into our life to guide us and resist temptations if you waste this part of ur life you would regret it. Joseph was blessed by God because he nevered waste his youthful age even when Portiphar's wife lured him to immortality but Dinah his sister losted her virginity and lose God's blessings in her life Genesis 34:1-31 my friends please spend ur teen years wisely to avoid regret and God would bless u am also a teen like u am Chrissie thanks springster for this opportunity to share this message remain bless

March 20, 2022, 7:57 p.m.