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Hy big sis. Thanks for the other advice.. He really did help me a lot. Thank you. My own case is just kinda similar to Kate(not my real name). I'm 16 now. But April is making me 17,this year. I met this guy one evening on my home,from a friend's place. I was ahead of him;but when I heard a whistle I turned and he signaled that I should wait. I thought he was someone I knew or someone who must have known me or something. When he came closer, to my surprise I haven't met him in my entire life. We exchanged pleasantries and I don't know how he wooed me to his house. It was getting late. He kissed me. He got my bag: so I would visit him again. I left. And went back the next day. He asked me to be his girlfriend. Now he's my boyfriend. Found out after some weeks, that he's 24yrs. I was so confused and angry with myself. Now I'm in love with this guy but he's way too older than me,especially for my culture. Big Sis,I'm confused. He's so nice a guy that I don't want to let him go. But I have a feeling that I can't be a better girlfriend that he would want. I can't go on a date with him, can't stay over at his place, sex,etc.I'm still a virgin and he respects that a lot. I don't think he'll condone that for long. I need your advice Big sis,before I make a big mistake in my life.

March 20, 2022, 7:58 p.m.