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I am new here,I've replied to some comments and I've also shared my own story about hair actually but I haven't get any Reply😥😥😥 Now when we are talking of saving I know how to save my money well in fact it is now part of me if I go to school I don't normally feel like buying something coz I feel it is not necessary even if am hungry I will wait until we close coz I know food is waiting for me at home Now the problem I have is that after saving my money without spending a penny I realize that once I've come to the end of that saving I just spend the money uselessly on unreasonable things after I've bought those things and spent all the money that is when I will realize that I want to buy a reasonable things big sis,pls how can I solve this?how can I learn to spend my money wisely???

March 20, 2022, 8 p.m.